I have exported the flights from va.virtualflight.online into CSV format, and made all of the CSV records available to download from the link below.
Unfortunately the flight records do not have aircraft type, because VABase didn’t record it. They do have flight number, departure airport, destination airport, flight time, and route though.
You can use the CSV file as follows:
Find your callsign in the above trove of exports and download it
Run Volanta
Click the cog icon at the bottom left of Volanta
Click on “Data Import/Export” in the left margin
Click on “Manual”
Click on “Select CSV”
Choose the CSV you downloaded earlier
After the CSV has been read, expand the “Flights Dialog” and click “Select All”
Scroll down, and click “Begin Import”
Wait (a progress bar will show progress).
After importing you should be able to find your old flights on the map in Volanta :)
Is there a way to recall my old callsign? My present callsign is VFA 0083.
Can´t find my callsign, which is VFA0067, in the list of flight records. They all start with VFLxxx.
Supposte these are the callsigns from the old VAbase, but if I don´t remember that...
Håkan Bley