Announcing the Ukraine Regional Tour!
Our event tour for October 2023 takes us across the border from Poland into Ukraine for a sightseeing tour, featuring Chernobyl and all major towns and cities.
For October, we’ve taken a tour suggestion from one of our members (thanks VFL1210) on Discord and expanded it further to include all major cities and towns in Ukraine.
This tour begins at Rzeszow (EPRJ) in Poland and will take you across the border into Ukraine, making your way across Ukraine towards Kyiv, where you'll then follow the approximate route of the Chernobyl Bush Trip featured on Once complete, we'll do a little sightseeing before heading back across the border back to Rzeszow (EPRJ) in Poland. The following free scenery add-ons are strongly recommended to maximise your enjoyment of this tour: Kyiv City Landmarks and Chernobyl NPP and Pripyat town. If you wish to follow the exact route of the bush trip, you can download the free mission on You'll still need to land at the airfields specified in this tour to complete the tour successfully, but these are just small detours from the published mission route found here - Chernobyl Bush Trip.
Find it on the website
You can find the tour here:
Share your journey
To chat with the rest of the community about your flight planning, journey, and adventures along the way, head to Discord:
Post screenshots, logbook entries and stories.
Fly with friends
Why not turn each leg into a group flight? Take advantage of Discord to fly with company - invite others to fly legs with you and post the invitations to the invitations channel in Discord.
Have your say
Do you have any tour suggestions? Perhaps a country or region you’ve wanted to explore but have no structure or flight plan in mind? Head on over to Discord and add your suggestion to the list, it may end up being featured as a tour or event on the Virtual Airline for all of our members to enjoy.