Announcing the May 2024 Event Tour!
Our first featured member submitted tour comes courtesy of VFA0045 Simon
Our excellent May 2024 event tour comes courtesy of our member VFA0045 Simon, and is our first featured member submitted tour. It will become available to fly on 1st May 2024. If you have any ideas for great tours then please submit them on our Discord server here (check the pinned post for instructions here). The best tours, as voted for by our Discord server members, will be chosen for inclusion in the airline tour schedule. While you’re there, take a look through the tours already submitted and vote for your favourites by adding a thumbs up reaction.
This tour takes you on a journey back in time to the cradle of civilisation and visits the sites where the seven ancient wonders once stood. Enjoy the majesty of the Pyramids, follow in the footsteps of Alexander the Great. Visit the ruins of Babylon, Ephesus and Olympia. This tour visits all of the sites where the ancient wonders once stood, all amongst the backdrop of the beautiful scenery of the Aegean and wider middle east.
This tour will, at times, challenge your STOL skills (choose your aircraft wisely), but also provides ample opportunity to have a more relaxed longer flight, allowing you to sit back and take in the scenery.
We start in Egypt with a tour of the Pyramids. From there its northwest to Alexandria where the fabled lighthouse once stood. Next, east to the ruins of Babylon and its legendary hanging gardens. Northwest to Ephesus where the temple of Artemis took pride of place. Cross the Aegean sea to Olympia and the Statue of Zeus, back over to the Turkish Peninsula to the ancient site of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, finishing up on the island of Rhodes where the once mighty Colossus stood.
This tour will require careful aircraft choice. There are some short hops suitable for GA aircraft, some airfields that will require STOL aircraft and some longer legs that will need aircraft with extended range.
Find it on the website
You can find the tour here:
Share your journey
To chat with the rest of the community about your flight planning, journey, and adventures along the way, head to Discord:
Post screenshots, logbook entries and stories.
Fly with friends
Why not turn each leg into a group flight? Take advantage of Discord to fly with company - invite others to fly legs with you and post the invitations to the invitations channel in Discord.